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Expungement Lawyers Cape Town

Expungement Lawyers Cape Town

Our Expungement Lawyers will assist your with a professionally drafted and motivated expungement application. Do You require the services of a Expungement Lawyer? This is the right place. Our firm specializes in criminal matters with and assist with the expungement process. Our state of the art solutions will assist you in expunging a criminal record. Do not hesitate, book a consultation with us at your convenience and acquire the assistance of our experts now .

What is Expungement? What does it mean to have a record expunged ?

Expungement is a procedure by which a criminal record is lawfully removed from the National Criminal Register. Similar terms used to describe this process is terms such as wipe out criminal record or delete a record or erase a criminal record. All these terms refer to the same process and procedure which is the expungement of a criminal record from your name. This is the removal of a criminal record from your name.

Expungement of criminal record South Africa.

Expungement of a criminal record is the lawful clearance and removal of a criminal record from the national criminal register in terms of the criminal procedure act, 1977 ( Act 51 of 1997 ) or the Child Justice Act , 2008 ( Act 75 of 2008) for children.

Get a second chance, Start on a clean slate.

In the current economic circumstances of South Africa with the high unemployment rate now getting even higher due to the lockdown and the economic turmoil the world finds itself in, the last thing one needs when applying for a job is a criminal record. These days more and more employers are running background checks on potential employees. We have good news if 10 years have elapsed since your conviction. You can apply for an “expungement” to have your criminal record wiped clean, provided that your conviction were for a minor offence. So take that step and make that fresh start today.

Who qualifies for expungement? The following criteria need to be met in order to potentially qualify for a clearance:

•There should be an interval of at least 10 years between the date of conviction of your offence and the application.
•You received a sentence where you were imprisoned or a community-based sentence.
•If you have not been sentenced and jailed for any other offence during the 10 years without the option of a fine.
•If you were sentenced for A minor crime – for which there were minor charges such as petty theft, shoplifting or possession of drugs.
•Your conviction were based on your race.
•You were convicted of a offence which would democratically be considered as a minor or no offence.
•You were told by paying a fine you would have no criminal record only to discover later on that you indeed have a criminal record.
•You were fined less then R 20 000.
•You received a suspended sentence.
•Your name have been removed from the National Register of Sex Offenders or the National Child Protection Register, if relevant.

You do not qualify for expungement if:

•It has not been 10 years since the conviction
•Your name is either listed in or have not been removed from the National Register of Sex Offenders or the National Child Protection Register.
•You have been sentenced to prison without the option of a fine.
•You received a fine for more than R20 000.
•You were convicted of a serious crime such as murder, rape other sexual offences, or violent crimes.

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