DUI Laws South Africa - Section 65 of the National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996
André Kirsten Attorneys is a criminal law firm which specializes in Criminal Law. Our Criminal attorneys Cape Town have a special emphasis on drunk driving cases. Our offices located at Bellville in Cape Town in the Western Cape.
We serve the entire Cape Town area which includes the Peninsula and surrounding areas. Contact us now, and our DUI attorneys in Cape Town will come and assist you. We are on call 24 hours a day, throughout the year and are ready and able to serve whatever criminal legal need or crises you might experience.
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Section 65 of the National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996
65 Driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drug having narcotic effect, or with excessive amount of alcohol in blood or breath
(1) No person shall on a public road-
(a) drive a vehicle; or
(b) occupy the driver's seat of a motor vehicle the engine of which is running,
while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a drug having a narcotic effect.
(2) No person shall on a public road-
(a) drive a vehicle; or
(b) occupy the driver's seat of a motor vehicle the engine of which is running,
while the concentration of alcohol in any specimen of blood taken from any part of his or her body is not less than 0,05 gram per 100 millilitres, or in the case of a professional driver referred to in section 32, not less than 0,02 gram per 100 millilitres.(3) If, in any prosecution for an alleged contravention of a provision of subsection
(2), it is proved that the concentration of alcohol in any specimen of blood taken from any part of the body of the person concerned was not less than 0,05 gram per 100 millilitres at any time within two hours after the alleged contravention, it shall be presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that such concentration was not less than 0,05 gram per 100 millilitres at the time of the alleged contravention, or in the case of a professional driver referred to in section 32, not less than 0,02 gram per 100 millilitres, it shall be presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that such 50 concentration was not less than 0,02 gram per 100 millilitres at the time of the alleged contravention.
(4) Where in any prosecution in terms of this Act proof is tendered of the analysis of a specimen of the blood of any person, it shall be presumed, in the absenc e of evidence to the contrary, that any syringe used for obtaining such specimen and the receptacle in which such specimen was placed for despatch to an analyst, were free from any substance or contamination which could have affected the result of such ana lysis.
(5) No person shall on a public road-
(a) drive a vehicle; or
(b) occupy the driver's seat of a motor vehicle the engine of which is running,
while the concentration of alcohol in any specimen of breath exhaled by such person is
not less than 0,24 milligrams per 1 000 millilitres, or in the case of a professional driver
referred to in section 32, not less than 0,10 milligrams per 1000 millilitres. (6) If, in any prosecution for a contravention of a provision of subsection (5), it is
proved that the concentration of alcohol in any specimen of breath of the person
concerned was not less than 0,24 milligrams per 1 000 millilitres of breath taken at any
time within two hours after the alleged contravention, it shall be presumed, in the absence
of evidence to the contrary, that such concentration was not less than 0,24 milligrams per
1 000 millilitres at the time of the alleged contravention, or in the case of a professional
driver referred to in section 32, not less than 0,10 milligrams per 1000 millilitres, it shall
be presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that such concentration was not
less than 0,10 milligrams per 1 000 millilitre s at the time of the alleged contravention. (7) For the purposes of subsection (5) the concentration of alcohol in any breath
specimen shall be ascertained by using the prescribed equipment. (8) Any person detained for an alleged contravention of any provision of this
section shall not- (a) during his or her detention consume any substance that contains alcohol of
any nature, except on the instruction of or when administered by a medical
practitioner; (b) during his or her detention smoke until the specimen referred to in
subsection (3) or (6) has been taken, as the case may be. (9) No person shall refuse that a specimen of blood, or a specimen of breath, be
taken of him or her.